Mobile : 080-9699-8386|Line : drtomatojapan

Mobile : 080-9699-8386|Line : drtomatojapan

Autism treatment


Dr. Tomato’s explanation of the causes of autism and its onset. Firstly, we must understand the six stages which children with autism go through to show improvement by using Korean herbal medicine.



Korean Herbal Medicine for Autism

How does Korean herbal medicine address the causes and aggravating factors of autism?


Autism is Curable

For a long time, I have insisted that autism is treatable and in my clinical experience, I have helped countless children recover in…


Start Here

Autism spectrum disorders are often called ‘social disorders.’ This means that often, people diagnosed with autism cannot develop…

The Positive Impacts of Korean Herbal Medicine on
Children with Autism

Improvement of Eye Contact

The most noticeable change after starting to take my herbal medicine is an improvement in eye contact. In young children, eye contact improves as early as one to two weeks. For slightly older teens or in more severe cases, their eye contact will improve within a month or two. Once your child starts taking my herbal medicine, the effect will be…

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The Dr. Tomato Protocol

Causes and Onset of Autism with Dr. Tomato

What are the core symptoms that define autism spectrum disorders?
Autism spectrum disorders are often called…

About the Dr. Tomato Protocol

There is 3 Key Immune Nutrition Therapies…
Of the many causes of autism spectrum disorders, the key cause is dual infections,

Families with the Dr. Tomato Protocol

There are countless children who have improved by following the Dr. Tomato protocol. However…

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Dr. Tomato’s Blog/youtube

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